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Retrieve Value from Screen
Solution No. 42
Takes a value from the specified field in the specified table and loads it either into an Action Result variable, which can then be used in subsequent actions, or placed into a value on the screen.
So Where Would We Use It?
You are just starting to enter in some new customer information. You begin to enter the basics, such as company name and contact name. To make life a little easier for yourself, you recently made use of the Retrieve Value from Screen action. Now once you?re done entering the last name of the contact, the action retrieves those values to populate the billing area for you. You no longer have the tedious task of re-entering the same data and more importantly, you avoid silly data entry errors.
To set the properties for this action, follow these steps:
1. Select Retrieve Value from Screen from the Action dropdown list.
2. Select the field from the Select Value dropdown list.
3. Define the Action Result Name this will load to.
4. Enter Internal note (Optional).
5. Click Save & Close to save changes and close the action properties window; otherwise, click Cancel to close the window without saving.