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Screen Customization Environment
8 Method Report Designer

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Solution No. 86
The Report object allows you to create printable and exportable business forms, reports, and charts using Method Report Designer. For example, you could add an invoice for printing and exporting. These reports are displayed as embedded reports on the screens.
So Where Do We Use It?
Use this object for adding reporting functionality and generating reports for virtually any data stored in Method.
Add a Report
A report can be added to a screen from the Toolbox on the design screen page.

To add a report, follow these steps:

1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New Screen.
2. Click Add Objects from the Toolbox.
3. Click and drag the Report object to the desired cell in the design screen.
4. Release the mouse button.
5. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.
Edit a Report
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New.
2. Click Add Objects from the Toolbox.
3. Add a Report or go to an existing Report in the design screen.
4. Click Edit in the upper-right corner of the Report object.
5. The Report Properties Wizard Appears. The wizard is divided into 4 steps that follow:
Step 1 of 4: Choose Report
1. Enter a Report Caption.
2. Select the Report Format.
3. Enter the Height (Optional).
4. To Add, Edit or Delete a report, click Open Report Designer. Or select a Report from your Report Library by clicking the name of the appropriate report.
5. Click Next.
Step 2 of 4: Filter Options
To create a filter (Optional) for your report:
1. Select an option for the Choose from a list of Tables to be used on the Report from the dropdown list.
2. Select an option for the Choose from a list of available field’s dropdown list.
3. Click Insert Filter.
4. Select a condition for the field you selected to filter the report by from the dropdown list.
The choices are:
A. Contains – displays all records that contain specified criteria.
B  Does not contain – displays all records that do not contain specified criteria.
C. Equal to – displays all records that match exactly.
D. Is not equal to – displays all records that don’t match the criteria.
E. Starts with – displays all records that start with specified criteria.
F. Ends with – displays all records that end with specified criteria.
G. Is empty – displays all fields that contain no data.
H. Is not empty – displays all fields that contain data.
I.  Build selection list – displays results based upon specified criteria.
5. If you selected Is empty, or Is not empty for Step 4, skip to Step 8; otherwise proceed to Step 6. If you selected Build Selection List, enter in the values for your list. If you select Type In, enter your values and skip to step 8; otherwise go to step 6.
6. Select Get value from in the dropdown list.
The choices are:
A. Type In – sets the condition to a user-defined action result.
B. Value From Screen – sets the condition to a value pulled from a specific field within the specified screen.
D. Value From Session – sets the condition to a value that results from the current session information.
E. Get Value From Shared Result – sets the condition to a value assigned to a shared result.
7. If you selected Type In or Get Value From Shared Result for Step 6, manually enter the value or name of the shared result, then skip to Step 8; otherwise select value from the dropdown list below.
8. Click Save & Close.
Step 3 of 4: Picture Roles
The choices are:
A. Accountant
B. Administrator
C. Customizer
D. Director
E. Guest
F. Manager
G. Staff
Step 4 of 4: Confirmation
1. Review the specifics of your report for accuracy.
2. Click Finish.
7. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.
Delete a Report
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen.
2. Find the report you wish to delete in the design screen.
3. Click the ‘X’ in the upper-right corner of the report you wish to delete.
4. Click OK when prompted to confirm.
5. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.
Change the Report Size
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New Screen.
2. Add a Report or go to an existing Report in the design screen.
3. Click the ‘<->’ icon in the upper-right corner of the Report you wish to resize. With each click, the Report will grow to occupy the cell to the right. Once the Report has occupied all cells in its row, the next click will decrease the Report size to only the cell it was originally placed in.
4. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.