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Solution No. 82
A Help/Note gives detailed tips and assistance to your users when they click the help link. You can select which type of icon you wish to have displayed on the screen, for instance a ‘?’ for a help topic or a ‘!’ for a note.

So Where Do We Use It?
Help/Notes are particularly helpful when trying to prevent data entry errors in potentially confusing situations. A Help/Note can offer additional clarification, such as the definition of ‘Lead Status Only’ customers in QuickBooks.
Add a Help/Note
A Help/Note can be added to a screen from the Toolbox on the design screen page.
To add a Help/Note, follow these steps:
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New.
2. Click Add Objects from the Toolbox.
3. Click and drag the Help/Note object to the desired cell in the design screen.
4. Release the mouse button.
5. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.

Edit a Help/Note

Step 1of 2:  Help/Note
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New.
2. Click Add Objects from the Toolbox.
3. Add a Help/Note or go to an existing Help/Note in the design screen.
4. Click Edit in the upper-right corner of the Help/Note object you wish to edit.
5. The Help/Note Properties Wizard appears.
6. Choose an icon by selecting the appropriate option.
The choices are:
A. Help
B. Help (blue)
C. Note
D. Note (blue)
E. None
7. Enter the Title for your Help/Note.
8. In the text area below, enter the body of the Help/Note.
9. Format the text accordingly. Be sure to utilize the Design, HTML and Preview buttons at the bottom of this section.
10. Click Next
Step 2 of 2: Recurrence Roles
1. Select the Roles that will be allowed permission to perform certain operations.
The choices are:
A. Accountant
B. Administrator
C. Customizer
D. Director
E. Guest
F. Manager
G. Staff
 2. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close,then select Cancel.
Delete a Help/Note
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing.
2. Find the Help/Note you wish to delete in the design screen.
3. Click the ‘X’ in the upper-right corner of the Help/Note you wish to delete.
4. Click OK when prompted to confirm.
5. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.
Change the Help/Note Size
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New.
2. Add a Help/Note or go to an existing Help/Note in the design screen.
3. Click the ‘<->’ icon in the upper-right corner of the Help/Note you wish to resize. With each click, the Help/Note will grow to occupy the cell to the right. Once the Help/Note has occupied all cells in its row, the next click will decrease the Help/Note size to only the cell it was originally placed in.
4. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.