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Credit Card Processing
Solution No. 70
Charges either a credit card or electronic check, and stores the value 'APPROVED' in the "Action Result" Success or 'Fail' if processed successfully. This can be used in a Start Condition Statement to determine what action should be taken after the credit card has been processed. „Action Result? will contain the message returned from the credit card processing company, giving the reason why the credit card failed. „Action Result Order ID? returns the order number from the credit card processing company. This is useful inn situations where the credit card failed and you would like to know what happened. Note: you must have an existing merchant account with one of the supported processors.
So Where Would We Use It?
Useful if you would like to process payments within Method using credit cards or electronic checks.
To set the properties for this action, follow these steps:
Steps for Credit Card
1. Select Credit Card Processing from the Action dropdown list.
2. Select Credit Card Company (merchant account) from the dropdown list.
3. Enter the Store ID.
4. Enter the Pass Phrase.
5. Select the Action Type.
Choices are:
  •  Charge
  •  Refund
  •  Void
For Steps 6 – Step 18, select the Value from each dropdown list. Note: For steps 9 through 11, Value from Session is not present.
The choices may include:
  •  Type In – sets the condition to a value that the user types in manually.
  •  Action Result – sets the condition to a user-defined action result.
  •  Value From Screen – sets the condition to a value pulled from a specific field within the specified screen.
  •  Value From Session – sets the condition to a value that results from the current session information.
  •  Value From Row – sets the condition to a value from a specified row.
  •  Value From Calendar – sets the value from a specified calendar.
Note: If you select Type In, enter the predefined value; otherwise, specify a Value in the dropdown.
6. Select Customer Company.
7. Select Customer Name. (*Required).
8. Select Address.
9. Select City.
10. Select State.
11. Select Zip Code.
12. Select Email.
13. Select Country.
14. Select Credit Card Number.
15. Select Expiry Month.
16. Select Expiry Year.
17. Select CVV.
18. Select Total.
19. Enter name for Action Result.
20. Enter name for Action Result storing Success or Fail.
21. Enter Action Result Order ID.
22. Enter Action Result for Trans Ref.
23. Enter Internal note (Optional).
24. Click Save & Close to save changes and close the action properties window; otherwise, click Cancel to close the window without saving.
Steps for Electronic Check
1. Select Credit Card Processing from the Action dropdown list.
2. Select Electronic Check Company (merchant account) from the dropdown list.
3. Enter the Username.
4. Enter the Password.
5. Select the Action Type.
Choices are:
  •  Charge
  •  Refund
  •  Void
For Steps 6 – Step 18, Select the Value from each dropdown list. Note: For steps 9 through 11, Value from Session is not present.
The choices may include:
  •  Type In – sets the condition to a value that the user types in manually.
  •  Action Result – sets the condition to a user-defined action result.
  •  Value From Screen – sets the condition to a value pulled from a specific field within the specified screen.
  •  Value From Session – sets the condition to a value that results from the current session information.
  •  Value From Row – sets the condition to a value from a specified row.
  •  Value From Calendar – sets the value from a specified calendar.
Note: If you select Type In, enter the predefined value otherwise; specify a Value in the dropdown.
6. Select Customer Company.
7. Select Customer Name. (*Required).
8. Select Address.
9. Select City.
10. Select State.
11. Select Zip Code.
12. Select Email.
13. Select Country.
14. Select Account Number.
15. Select Routing Number.
16. Select Check Type.
17. Select Product ID.
18. Select Total.
19. Enter name for Action Result.
20. Enter name for Action Result storing Success or Fail.
21. Enter Action Result Order ID.
22. Enter Action Result Trans Ref Number.
23. Enter Internal note (Optional).
24. Click Save & Close to save changes and close the action properties window; otherwise, click Cancel to close the window without saving.