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Clear Screen for New Entry
Solution No. 10

Definition for Clear Screen for New Entry

Prepares the screen for the entry of a new record; it's done by clearing all fields in all sections to their default values and resetting the screen's Active Record ID.

Where Would We Use It?

You are entering a customer invoice and just realized it's already been entered by someone else. The Clear Screen for New Entry action would clear all your current entries without saving and call up a new blank screen.

Properties for Clear Screen for New Entry

To set the properties for this action, follow these steps:

  1. Select Clear Screen for New Entry from the Action dropdown list.
  2. Check or uncheck Refresh attached parent grids? (Attached grids based on the same Table as the screen).
  3. Check or uncheck Refresh attached child grids?
  4. Check or uncheck Reset Parent Active Record ID? (When this screen is opened as a child of a "Show Screen In Popup", "Go to Screen" or "Go to Tab Link" action).
  5. Enter Internal note (Optional).
  6. Click Save & Close to save changes and close the action properties window; otherwise, click Cancel to close the window without saving