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Solution No. 77
The Calendar object inserts a calendar into a field cell. The calendar is extremely useful on dashboards, particularly for scheduling, planning and tracking purposes.
So Where Would We Use It?
Calendars are helpful with scheduling, such as time-billing or creating follow-up activities.
Add a Calendar
A calendar can be added to a screen from the Toolbox on the design screen page.
 To add a Calendar, follow these steps:
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New Screen 
2. Click Add Objects in the Toolbox.
3. Click and drag the Calendar object to the desired cell in the design screen to the right.
4. Release the mouse button.
5. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.
Edit a Calendar
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New Screen.
2. Add a Calendar or go to an existing Calendar in the design screen.
3. Click Edit in the upper-right corner of the Calendar object you wish to edit.
4. The Calendar Properties Wizard appears. The wizard is divided into 7 steps that follow:
Step 1 of 8: Choose Calendar Options
1. Enter Day start time or select from the dropdown list.
2. Enter Day end time or select from the dropdown list.
3. Select Default View from the dropdown list.
The choices are:
A. Day
B. Work Week
C. Week
D. Month
E. Timeline
4. Select Group By from the dropdown list.
The choices are:
A. Date
B. Resource
5. Check all the boxes that apply for Work Week.
6. Check the Appointments can be moved box if you would like to allow appointment times to be changed by users; uncheck to disable this feature.
7. Check the Appointments can be resized box if you would like to allow the calendar’s size to be changed in the design screen; uncheck to disable this feature. Refer to Change the Calendar Size.
8. Fill the Appointments can have their resource changed box if you would like to allow users to change the resource of appointments; uncheck to disable this feature.
Note: this option is only available if you selected the Resources option from the Group By dropdown list.
9. Check the Show All Day Event Area box if you would like to allow the option of displaying all day events; Uncheck to disable this feature.
10. Click Next.
Step 2 of 8: Mapping Main Table
1. Select Main Table from the dropdown list (*Required field).
2. Select Start Date & Time from the dropdown list (*Required field).
3. Select End Date & Time from the dropdown list (*Required field).
4. Select Appointment Field 1 from the dropdown list, if applicable.
5. Enter Caption for Appointment Field 1.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5, if needed. If you need additional appointment fields, click Show more appointment fields; otherwise click Next.
Step 3 of 8: Choose Resources
1. Select Resource from the dropdown list (*Required field).
2. Select Color from the dropdown list, if applicable.
3. Select Image from the dropdown list, if applicable.
Note: you must place a Picture Field onto the table to store the image before you can select it from the dropdown.
4. Select Default Resource from the dropdown list, if applicable.
5. Select Second Resource (Optional) from the dropdown list, if applicable.
6. Check Show Filter Row to allow users to filter resources.
7. Click Next.
Step 4 of 8: Choose Label (Optional)
1. Select Label from the dropdown list, if applicable.
2. Select Color from the dropdown list, if applicable.
3. Select Image from the dropdown list, if applicable.
Note: you must place a Picture Field onto the table to store the image before you can select it from the dropdown.
4. Click Next.
Step 5 of 8: Choose Status (Optional)
1. Select Status from the dropdown list, if applicable.
2. Select Color from the dropdown list, if applicable.
3. Select Image from the dropdown list, if applicable.
4. Select Second Status from the dropdown list, if applicable.
5. Check Show Filter Row to allow users to filter these columns.
6. Click Next.
Step 6 of 8: Actions (Optional)
1. Select Event from the dropdown list, or click ‘…’ to create a new one.
The choices are:
A. Edit
B. Edit Series
C. New
2. Select Action from the dropdown list.
3. Check the Automatically Change Status Option box to change the status automatically; uncheck the box to manually change status, if applicable.
4. Click Add Action (See Method Actions Reference Guide for assistance).
5. Repeat Steps 1 - 6 until all necessary actions have been entered.
6. Click Next.
Step 7 of 8: Filter
1. Select a filter for Dates from the dropdown.
The choices are:
A. Built In - This will allow you to use the on-screen filters that are built into the Method Calendar Object.
B. Value From Screen – sets the condition to a value pulled from a specific field within the specified screen. Select From and To options from the list of dropdowns to the right
2. Select a filter for Resources from the dropdown.
The choices are:
A. Built In - This will allow you to use the on screen filters that are built into the Method Calendar Object.
B. Value From Screen – sets the condition to a value pulled from a specific field within the specified screen. Select Resource from the dropdown list to the right.
3. Select a filter for Status from the dropdown.
The choices are:
A. Built In - This will allow you to use the on screen filters that are built into the Method Calendar Object.
B. Value From Screen – sets the condition to a value pulled from a specific field within the specified screen. Select value from dropdown list to the right.
C. Type In – sets the condition to a value that the user types in manually. Enter value to the right.
D. Build Selection List – lists all values from the user-defined list. Enter value(s) to the right.
4. Select how you want the Filter Layout to be displayed, either Vertically or Horizontally.
5. Select a field from the dropdown list to insert an Automatic Filter and click Insert Filter…; otherwise click Next.
Step 8 of 8: Calendar Roles
Select the Roles that will be allowed permission to perform certain operations.
The choices are:
A. Accountant
B. Administrator
C. Customizer
D. Director
E. Guest
F. Manager
G. Staff 





6. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel. 



Delete a Calendar
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen.
2. Find the Calendar you wish to delete in the design screen.
3. Click the ‘X’ in the upper-right corner of the Calendar you wish to delete.
4. Click OK when prompted to confirm.
5. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel
Change the Calendar Size
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New.
2. Add a Calendar or go to an existing Calendar in the design screen.
3. Click the ‘<->’ icon in the upper-right corner of the Calendar to resize. With each click, the button will grow to occupy the cell to the right. Once the Calendar has occupied all cells in its row, the next click will  decrease the Calendar’s size to only the cell it was originally placed in.
4. To finish select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.
The Calendar-Recurrence object inserts a Calendar-Recurrence option into a field cell allowing the option to make an event recurring.
So Where Would We Use It?
Calendar-Recurrence is helpful when scheduling events that recur periodically (e.g. daily, weekly, or every Monday and Friday) over a specified time period. When not in use, the Calendar-Recurrence object looks much like a checkbox. Once checked for use, the Calendar-Recurrence options will be displayed.
Add a Calendar-Recurrence
A Calendar-Recurrence can be added to a screen from the Toolbox on the design screen page. (Note: a Calendar must exist or be added prior to using the Calendar-Recurrence.) To add a Calendar-Recurrence, follow these steps:
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New Screen.
2. Add a Calendar and complete the wizard if one does not exist on the screen.
3. Click Add Objects in the Toolbox.
4. Click and drag the Calendar-Recurrence object to the desired cell in the design screen to the right.
5. Release the mouse button.
6. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.
Edit a Calendar-Recurrence
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New.
2. Add a Calendar-Recurrence or go to an existing Calendar-Recurrence in the design screen.
3. Click Edit in the upper-right corner of the Calendar-Recurrence you wish to edit. The Calendar-Recurrence Properties Wizard appears:
4. Select the Status Flag (Optional) from the dropdown list.
5. Select Resources from the dropdown list.
6. Select Optional Field For Projects from the dropdown list.
7. Check the Recurring Dates Columns to be displayed.
The choices are:
A. Time
B. Resource
C. Status
D. Flag
8. Check the Allow Basis to be available.
The choices are:
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Yearly
E. Project
9. Select the Default Basis from the dropdown list.
The choices are:
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Yearly
E. Project
10. Select Show Recurrence Grid from the dropdown list.
Your choices are
A. Horizontally (Right of Basis Options)
B. Vertically (Below Basis Options)
11. Select Number of rows to display from the dropdown list.
12. Check or uncheck the option to Allow manual date insertions.
13. Check or uncheck the option to Delete existing occurrences on insert (Default Checked).
14. Click Finish to close this window.
15. To finish, select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.
Delete a Calendar-Recurrence
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen.
2. Find the Calendar-Recurrence you wish to delete in the design screen.
3. Click the ‘X’ in the upper-right corner of the Calendar-Recurrence you wish to delete.
4. Click OK when prompted to confirm.
5. If you are ready to activate your changes to the system, click Publish in the Toolbox then Save & Close; otherwise click Save & Close then Cancel when prompted to publish before closing.
Change the Calendar-Recurrence Size
1. Follow the steps to Edit an Existing Screen or Add a New Screen.
2. Add a Calendar-Recurrence or go to an existing Calendar-Recurrence in the design screen.
3. Click the ‘<->’ icon in the upper-right corner of the Calendar Recurrence to resize. With each click, the object will grow to occupy the cell to the right. Once the Calendar Recurrence has occupied all cells in its row, the next click will decrease the Calendar Recurrence size to only the cell it was originally placed in.
4. To finish select the appropriate option below:
A. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen, but wish to keep the design screen open, click Publish.
B. If you are ready to activate your changes to the screen and wish to close the design screen, click Save & Close, then select Ok.
C. If you wish to close the design screen and not publish changes, click Save & Close, then select Cancel.