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Basic Math Calculation
Solution No. 19
This action performs basic math functions between two specified values, and stores the outcome in an Action Result Variable that can be used in subsequent actions.
So Where Would We Use It?
You would use this action when you want to perform any basic math calculation. After some sort of trigger, such as clicking on a button on screen, the action would do the calculation and store it to an action /shared result.
To set the properties for this action, follow these steps:
1. Select Basic Math Calculation from the Action dropdown list.
2. Select First Value from the dropdown list.
The choices are:
  •  Type In – sets the condition to a value that the user types in manually.
  •  Action Result – sets the condition to a user-defined action result.
  •  Value From Screen – sets the condition to a value pulled from a specific field within the specified screen.
  •  Value From Session – sets the condition to a value that results from the current session information.
  •  Value From Row – sets the condition to a value from a specified row.
  •  Value From Calendar – sets the value from a specified calendar.
3. If you selected Type In for Step 2, enter the predefined value and proceed to Step 4; otherwise, specify First Value from the dropdown to the right.
4. Select math operation.
The operator choices are:
  • "+? – performs an addition function.
  • "-? – performs a subtraction function.
  • "/? – performs a division function.
  • "X? – performs a multiplication function.
5. Select Second Value from the dropdown list.
The choices are:
  •  Type In – sets the condition to a value that the user types in manually.
  •  Action Result – sets the condition to a user-defined action result.
  •  Value From Screen – sets the condition to a value pulled from a specific field within the specified screen.
  •  Value From Session – sets the condition to a value that results from the current session information.
  •  Value From Row – sets the condition to a value from a specified row.
  •  Value From Calendar – sets the value from a specified calendar.
6. If you selected Type In for Step 5, enter the predefined value and proceed to Step 7; otherwise, specify Second Value from the dropdown to the right.
7. Select Rounding Options from the dropdown list.
The choices are:
  •  No Rounding – no rounding is performed on result.
  •  Round Up – the result is rounded up to the nearest integer.
  •  Round Down Screen – the result is rounded down to the nearest integer.
  •  Round Closest – the result is rounded up or down depending on which integer is closer.
8. If you selected to use rounding, enter the value to round to.
9. Enter Action Result name.
10. Enter Internal note (Optional).
11. Click Save & Close to save changes and close the action properties window; otherwise, click Cancel to close the window without saving.