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Assign Value to Shared Result
Solution No. 18
Sets a Shared Result variable to a specified value, which can then be retrieved from other screens using aGet Value From Shared Result action. A Shared Result is different from an Action Result in that an Action Result is only to be used in a list of actions for one object, such as when a button is clicked. On the other hand, a Shared Result can be retrieved anywhere else in Method.
So Where Would We Use It?
There may come a time when you need to use a result from one screen on another screen. For instance, performing a basic math calculation where you need to use the result on a separate screen. Simply assign the value to a shared result which allows it to be used in the actions on another screen.
To set the properties for this action, follow these steps:
1. Select Assign Value to Shared Result from the Action dropdown list.
2. Enter Shared Result Name.
3. Select Value from the dropdown list.
The choices are:
  •  Type In – sets the condition to a value that the user types in manually.
  •  Action Result – sets the condition to a user-defined action result.
  •  Value From Screen – sets the condition to a value pulled from a specific field within the specified screen.
  •  Value From Session – sets the condition to a value that results from the current session information.
  •  Value From Row – sets the condition to a value from a specified row.
  •  Value From Calendar – sets the value from a specified calendar.
4. If you selected Type In for Step 3, enter the predefined value and proceed to Step 5; otherwise, specify a Value in the dropdown list below.
5. Enter Internal note (Optional).
6. Click Save & Close to save changes and close the action properties window; otherwise, click Cancel to close the window without saving.