Method Community



3 steps to becoming a report guru

For those of us who are ‘with the times’ for lack of better words – we have no problem viewing reporting information on our screens.  If we need to send a report to someone else to view, who perhaps can’t access our systems, we’ll send them a PDF file.  The nice thing is both these options are a ‘green way’ of thinking and why not save a few trees?  After all, we like thinking green.

Now, we all have that “old school” manager, boss, owner, CEO that likes to have a ‘hard copy’ to look at.  They don’t want to click on a link, or view something on a screen or have it presented to them in any electronic format.  They like a piece of paper in their hands that they can read while sipping their 7:00am coffee or while on the train to their next meeting.

Lucky for us, creating reports in Method is easy.  How easy?  Well, I’m going to show you in the movies I’ve posted below.  Best part is you can satisfy both the audiences I’ve mentioned above.  

These movies go through creating a basic customer list report, adding some advanced features to the report and then displaying this report in a Method screen.  This report will give you a good foundation so you can create your own reports in Method.

Just a heads up! - I'm assuming that you have already attempted to create a report on your computer before.  If you haven't attempted this already, you'll need to install the report designer first before viewing the movies below.  Usually this would be done from within the Method window for report objects.  However, I've cheated a little bit and given you the the direct link below to install it.  Wink 

Creating a Customer List Report - Part 1

I’ll take you through launching the Method Report Designer, creating a new report, adding fields and finally viewing the report. a Customer List Report - Part 1.htm

Creating a Customer List Report - Part 2

Here is where I’ll take it up a notch and add an additional table that will display invoice information.  I’ll add some groups and fields that belong to the newly added invoice table and make the report perform some totals. a Customer List Report - Part 2.htm

Creating a Customer List Report - Part 3

Saving the best for last!  Now that I’ve gone through creating the report, I’ll go through adding a new button to an existing screen and add some actions so that my customer list report can appear instantly by clicking a button! a Customer List Report - Part 3.htm

Please send me your comments, suggestions, feedback etc.  Love it?  Make sure you let me know!  

Big Smile

Till next time folks!

Danny Do Couto
Method Integration



Danny_Do_Couto said:

Okay.....for those who want to cheat and take a look at the finished product.  The Method Library has the screen I created available for download.  Here are the steps you would take to copy/import it into your own database.

  1. In Method, click Customize.
  2. Click Screens.
  3. Go to the bottom of the screen and click Copy/Import Screen.
  4. Click Method Library.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click the 'Screen Name' drop down list and click Invoice with Invoice Report

    You can change the name of the template if you like and enter it under the 'Save As' option.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Choose where you want to save your screen.
  9. Click Finish.

That's it! Idea

June 18, 2008 4:17 PM

Danny_Do_Couto said:

I've been working on putting together an invoice template that you can use to print invoices through Method.  Obviously, you can totally change the way it looks to fit your company - or you can just stick with my cool design and switch the logo. Smile

Here is a link to the way the invoice template looks when printed to a PDF file.  Just click on the link below.

In order to get this template, you'll need to download the screen that I created.  This screen also contains the customer list report created during the movies.  In case you forgot the steps, here's how you do it.

  1. In Method, click Customize.
  2. Click Screens.
  3. Go to the bottom of the screen and click Copy/Import Screen.
  4. Click Method Library.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click the 'Screen Name' drop down list and click Invoice with Print Preview.

    You can change the name of the template if you like and enter it under the 'Save As' option.
  7. Click Next. Choose where you want to save your screen.
  8. Click Finish.

As a suggestion, when printing templates, use the ‘Print to PDF' option.  The HTML version of the template never looks as good as a PDF.  I've outlined the button to use, in red, in the image below.

Printing Tool Bar


June 26, 2008 2:50 PM

Michele said:

Just viewed your 3 movies.  Very helpful.  Back to the lead tracking report I tried to create.  Will try to apply the lessons and let you know how I make out.


October 26, 2009 9:58 AM

Michele said:

Movies were helpful but I quickly ran into questions.   How can I format a numeric field to show with 2 decimals? What is a cross band line and other questions on the controls.  Is there a manual for the report designer?


October 26, 2009 2:06 PM

Method_Danny said:


Great questions - I would post the technical questions on the user forum.  It's hard to cover all of the topics within the movies.  

While we don't have documentation, we are hoping to have some soon and will continue to explore the report designer in our Community Webinars.

November 4, 2009 3:47 PM

Beth Heffernan said:


I have created a customized invoice in Report Designer called SimpleInvoiceBoss for my company.   I connected with my acount and refreshed.

When I go to my screen menu in Method there is not a template with the above name.  When I go to copy/Import - likewise there is no template with that name.

When I go to preview any invoice in my Method account I now get an error message that says:

Error^Action Sequence Order.3^ERROR; The report SimpleInvoice does not have a master table assigned to it.

When I go to try and find Simple Invoice I cannot find in my Screens.

What is going on?



October 25, 2010 11:03 PM